Saturday, December 02, 2006

bfrs pseudoregular survey

It is time once again for the Brain Flatulence Readers Survey. Like always, the management at BFRS like to ask the hard hitting provocative questions. We ask the questions that other dare not ask. Previous surveys have include important topics such as your favourite dark beverage. Today we ask:

What is the best website out there?
We are also interested in why you think it is the best.

BFRS wants to know what is that cool, unique, or plain can't live without website.
Now I know you can't live without your email, but please don't tell me that Hotmail is the best site out there. Even MSN Live Mail is not all that unique.

This is your chance to share that website that you think nobody or not many other people know about. So go ahead tell BFRS where we should be surfing.


Bonnie said...

Well I think there are a couple different questions here...
For the website I like the most, it might be your blog. :) It's pretty cool, really. Maybe a close tie with your flickr site. LOL

As far as where you should be surfing, I am thinking about some gift sites, maybe with a focus on tickets to shows, or massages or gift certificates for scrapbooking/crafting classes, or anything else some woman might want for Christmas ...say...maybe...your wife. HA!

Eric said...

Well, I made a list for you of places I like. They may not wow you, but I like them.

I still have in my favorites bar, It was the best thing out there while the movies were being made. I checked them frequently. Now there is not as much going on, but they used to be the best.

Now I hang out at blogs and a couple other places. a neat church page that should be updated a little, but since it has pics of my kids, I like it. lots of pics of church activities and of Kristian. is my current home page

I love downloading the free podcasts at itunes. Currently I listen to Mike Cope, Steve Mc, and Liquid Church. There are a lot more of the free podcasts that I haven't even started to look at.