Sunday, November 05, 2006

this blog has been brought to you by the letters J, K & L and the number 6

The song plays as you exit McMahon Stadium... "Happy trails to you until we meet again..." Unfortunately my red and white won't be coming to visit me next week - so all you Rider readers you can fight over the air mattress on our living room floor if you're coming to BC Place next weekend.

The game basically came down to the letters J, K & L and the number 6.
Joseph, Keith and Lloyd while the Stamps had 6 turnovers.

I think that Henry and the boyz forgot to show up in the second half. Maybe they were looking for BBs to go gopher hunting with.

Eric, Tim, I'm sure if you check the Calgary Herald this week you can find some cheap tickets. I'll start blowing up the mattress now.


Anonymous said...

It would be nice to do just that Todd, and sitting in your living room with a few other Rider fans going over today's game again and again would be as much fun as BC place... the first half had me very worried however.

Eric said...

I've already got tickets to the week after that one. I would enjoy going to BC place again (I played there once, but didn't stay for the game). I can't walk yet so I will try and heal for the Grey Cup.