Friday, February 18, 2005

Reader Survey

I am starting a new idea here on the Brain Flatulence. If I get some responses I will do it again with a different question, If I don't, well, you never know I still might do it again. So, here goes - the initial question on the BFRS (Brain Flatulence Reader Survey).

What is your dark beverage of choice?

Please be specific, if your beverage is a carmel macchiato or Taster's Choice please don't just write coffee. Unless your favourite drink actually is "coffee" (that is, you walk into Starbucks and say, "I'll have a coffee please".

I look forward to hearing from you.


T said...

My favourite dark beverage is Cherry Coca-Cola

Heather said...

My favourite hot dark beverage is the tall non-fat caramel machiato from Starbucks.

Anonymous said...

That would probably be Dr. Pepper for me!

Heather Mc.

Bonnie said...

Cold - Diet coke with Lime
Hot - Grande non-fat latte with 1 shot of coconut or sugar-free vanilla in it from Starbucks!
Both of which I miss these days!

Anonymous said...

I like sweet iced tea for my cold dark beverage and my new favorite at Starbucks is a non-fat vanilla latte and at Christmas time a gingerbread latte.

Tim and/or Wyatt said...

Ok first of all is "coffee" even an option at Starbucks? but my favorite dark beverage would definitely be a cold A&W Rootbeer... in a frosted mug... heaven on earth...

Jerry Bowley said...

With a name like "Cuppojoe", I don't know if I even need to answer this question!

Anyway, yes... My favorite dark beverage is coffee. I like it hot, black, and as unpretentious as possible (hence, no Starbuck's for me).

The truth? The best coffee is usually served in truck stops...

Anonymous said...

Taster's Choice Instant Hazelnut Roast or Vanilla Roast.
I know, I know, it is lame and quite unsophisticated among all of the Starbucks set, but that's what I like.

TL said...

Coffee--Maxwell House Original Roast with sugar and French Vanilla obscene amount.
Oh, I long for it right now.