Monday, March 19, 2007

ICBC & BC NDP Halftruths

Over the past few years every 9 months or so I used to hear the dire warnings from the BC NDP and ICBC stating that the consumers cost for private insurance in the other provinces are growing exponentially. Only the public insurers of BC and Sask can keep insurance rates from growing rapidly. It is always doom and gloom for those poor citizens of provinces with private insurance.

What ICBC and the NDP forgot to say is that if the private insurance rates doubled they still wouldn't be close to the ICBC rate!

Today we had all the necessary out of province paperwork done and went into get our insurance. Being good drivers ICBC (& a private insurer for our comprehensive) gave us an exceptional rate for both our vehicles of $444/month and our private tenant insurance was $41/month. Well, for both our vehicles and tenant insurance we are now paying $157/month. That is a savings of $328/month or $3936/year!!!! And both of our vehicle now have business insurance instead of just one.

The best part is that our broker is still trying to get us some more discounts.

Same people
Same vehicles
Same claims history
Same driving records
Four Grand less!

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