Thursday, January 18, 2007

no clue

We are moving!
March will be the big move date.
I think you can now figure out where we are moving to by putting together clues 1 & 2, or look at the hidden link in clue 3 for some ominous foreshadowing. Or when you come to visit you will stop at the world's largest clue 4. If you still have not figured it out put the last clue into Google and see what comes out.


Anonymous said...

That should be close enough to come in for a couple Rider/Stamp games eh?
-Steve Mc.

Bonnie said...

Even though I 'had a clue', those clues are so clever - I love it!!

T said...

Any distance is close enough to catch a Stamps/Rider game. It will be nice to be out in the Sun (Snow, Rain, Wind) again, unlike the BC Place sauna.

Eric said...

That last clue into google took some real work. Connecting 1 & 2 was easier, but I did a number of different takes on clue 5.

I've got relatives there (I know what else is new).

Erica said...


after years of moving apart, we shall be within, at least, one days drive!