Thursday, February 09, 2006

youuuuuu're out

In a brilliant move the Olympics have removed an actual sport from from the Olympics, but they will still be playing "sports" that no one actually hears about except for every 4 years. Sports like "Modern Pentathalon", "Synchronized Diving 10m Platform - Men", "Triple Jump", "50km Walk", "Trampoline" and "Pommel Horse - Men" are still considered Olympic events, but real sports like Softball and Baseball have been eliminated. Don't get me wrong -- I can't do any of those other "sports" that I mentioned (well, except for maybe Trampoline - I don't want any hate mail from you 12 year old trampoliners out there). I admit that I would be quite embarrassed next to theses athletes. I wouldn't want to run into a Pommel Horse guy in a dark alley, I'd get the tar beaten out of me (especially after this blog). I'm just saying that we need to look at some messed up priorities. How does the Trampoline qualify as an Olympic sport, but Softball doesn't?

Softball is played all over the Americas. Softball is one of the few team sports that women are much better at then men. It is a sport deserving of being in the Olympics. Baseball is played throughout Asia and the Americas (maybe elsewhere, but I have no clue) It is an actual sport (people pay money to watch it - I don't know why, but they do), how can throwing a hammer be considered an Olympic sport, but not Baseball?

I don't know how Olympic policies works, but if past Olympics are any indication, you need to pay-off officials in Euros and Rubles not greenbacks.

Sure I don't want another event that the Americans will clean our clock in, but come on -- it's Baseball people, not Bridge (oops, Bridge is a recognized sport)

PS -- Another team sport that Women are much better at then Men is Beach Volleyball (well at least from the spectators point of view).

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