Monday, February 06, 2006

here's why you really watched the Super Bowl

UPDATED>>>>> see below

This year some of the Super Bowl Commercials are on line. 20 minutes of streaming video without any commercial err football interruptions.

Xana, I know you miss the good commercials since in Canada we are forced to watch very few good commercial during the Super Bowl. But we did have a couple good ones that American fans didn't see like Frank and Gordon from Bell.

Although it is 20 minutes, depending on your internet connection, the Realplayer can take well over an hour to watch. Unfortunately some of the better ones are not included such as the "Magic Fridge" and the "Streaker" commercials by Budweiser. There are some good ones included such as the "MacGyver" Mastercard commercial.

Why didn't I think of it earlier?!?!?!?
Of course the do no evil company would have all the commercials HERE

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