Sunday, February 05, 2006

and I thought that the CFL had some poor officials

OK, I have to admit I'm not much of a NFL fan (gasp with shock). As a matter of fact today was the first NFL game I watched all season. Actually "watched" can also be used loosely. But I have always assumed that with all the bucks they have in the NFL that their officials were vastly superior to their CFL counterparts. What with having replay technology and a larger pool of candidates shouldn't it be better?

Maybe I'm not schooled in the subtleties of the NFL. In the CFL in order to score a touchdown you have to break the plane of the goalline before you are tackled. I guess in the NFL you can be tackled first and then put the ball in the endzone. It must be true, the Referee even used the replay and saw what I saw.

Another interesting difference is that in the CFL (and logic) you must be in possession of the football in order to "block" the other team from getting it. How can you be called for an illegal block if you're not blocking?

Maybe I'm just a bitter fan who is complaining about the officials because the calls were against "my team" (remember I haven't watched "my team" ever until today, I chose them because their uniforms look a lot better than the Steelers and I have driven through Seattle, and they looked like the underdog to the fans in Detroit) But maybe I'm just a resentful bitter fan. Or maybe the CFL doesn't have a monopoly on poor officiating. At least it wasn't a superbore like many of the past 39.

I think I may have to send a thank-you card to my CFL officials for doing the job they do without the benefit of replay or the salary and training of their NFL cousins.


Suzanne said...

Amen Todd!!!!!!!!

I just can not get over how the officials gave the win to the Steelers. It was NOT a touchdown and I think the Seattle guy made a fair catch and was not out of bounds so both of those things would have made a HUGE difference in the outcome of the game! I am not bitter or anything!!!! ;)


TL said...

I'm with you, Todd. It's sad when a game gets played more by the officiating than by the players. It seemed there wasn't anything the Steelers could get a break on yesterday. We watched with friend(s) who are from Washington, so the pain was even more intense.
I'm going to score it a win for the Steelers in my mind...and a loss for NFL officials!