Sunday, November 27, 2005

Canada's Championship

There must be a crispness in the air! Even here on the wet coast. It's Grey Cup time! It has been a week of celebration. I had the opprotunity of a life time -- inspecting the Party on the Pacific, but due to my recent back problems I decided I better rest on the weekend. This morning I was watching the Grey Cup Parade on TV when I heard the Canadian Forces F16s doing a fly by a few moments later they were on the TV. Grey Cup has always been a big part of my family. My Grandpa would always bet "2 bits" on whoever you wern't cheering for. I never took him up on his offer - I was always scared of losing a quarter; but my cousin Anne always made some money.

So who are you cheering for?
I'm just hoping for a good game. As a Stamps fan I just can't cheer for the 'shmoes and I seem to be in the minority thinking that Montreal is going to win. (I don't understand why Danny is starting Ray - Maas has been the hot QB in the last 3 weeks)

Anyways, get in the spirit and choose a fight song:
Edmonton or Montreal
And if you just can't sing one of those, just remember only seven months until you can sing your teams song.
Enjoy the Game!!

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