Sunday, October 30, 2005

gimme a break!

Esso has been a sponsor of amature hockey and Hockey Canada for as long as I can remember. My wife even played hockey as a kid just so she could get the free Esso touque. As part of sponsoring Hockey Canada you would think they should be able to promote the team.... Not according to the Vancouver Olympic Organizing Committee (VANOC). According to VANOC Esso is a pretender to do a contest that allows people to win tickets to see the team that they sponsor. WHERE ELSE WOULD TEAM CANADA PLAY A GAME THIS YEAR EXCEPT AT THE OLYMPICS? The advertisment does not even mention the Olympics in it. It shows a guy with the Team Canada logo (which the IOC does not have the rights to) and Torino, Italy. Does the IOC really think they have the rights to the name Torino, Italy????? Does the mayor of Torino know they gave the rights to their cities name when they became an olympic city? I have to ask one question -- What is more important? Sponsoring the athletes and future athletes or sponsoring the IOC scandals?

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