Thursday, August 18, 2005

New Olympic Strategy

Team Canada unveiled their new strategy to win at the Olympics next year - They're going to have the other hockey teams rolling on the ice laughing at them. I guess since Lance Armstrong has been winning in the same style of jersey, Team Canada thought they should try it out.

The boys of winter are at an orientation camp here in BC, in the interior; today they showed off the new unies, well, at least for a few minutes. Big Bert need 4 guys to help him get into his sausage wrap - he eventually gave up and went back to the practice jersey, so did all of the other players after a few minutes on the ice. The new uniforms are wind resistant (since gale force winds are so prevelant in indoor stadiums) and very tight. I think the new socks err I mean sausage casings look pretty cool, but the jerseys are brutal. Since when does style completely outweigh functionallity? I guess since Nike spends millions of dollars to put a swoosh on every empty white/red space of the uniform.

My only hope is that every team has to wear these silly outfits. That way everyone will be at the same disadvantage.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those were really bad...

your picture there is funny - just look at Gretz and Nicholson laughing at how stupid Gagne looks.
