Saturday, April 22, 2006

the voip disaster

So today started our VoIP experiment. It ended quickly! How can you not want your phone to have every feature imaginable and long distance in North America for $30. That's less than I pay for basic phone service with Telus. So the D-link Talk Broadband box arrived from Primus, we set it up and things seemed to be ok... Until the official change over happened. The quality of the phone service was brutal. There was echo, delay and even parts of your conversation were just dropped. So I call up Primus customer service and am told that my problem is that I have Shaw as my high speed provider. So since I have done my homework I know that Primus has a deal on DSL right now that is pretty good, so let's change our ISP to Primus. Guess what! Primus DSL is incompatible with their Talk Broadband service. HUH!?! Your phone service doesn't work with your internet service! Thus ends our relationship with Primus.

On bended knee I come crawling back to the mighty Telus and ask for forgiveness. I am sorry I ever doubted your goodness oh mighty Telus. With graciousness the great and mighty Telus offered to waive the $45 activation fee if we bought 6 features with our service. I profusely thanked the benevolent telephone provider. BUT... For your sins you must endure bad telephone service for 2 weeks before Telus can get your phone number back. Willing to pay my penance for my folly I let my wife know that we can have our number back... but not yet.

Suddenly the Great Communicator (GC) takes it upon herself to right our wrongs. GC contacts Telus and puts the mighty Telus in submission. Hurray! The conquering hero has restored order and good phone service to our home. But we have a new number.

Since I'm not that stupid, I'm not posting the number here. There is only one digit in our phone number that has changed, and it is the last one. So change your speed dial to a 7.

1 comment:

Eric said...

My wife said that her company is trying Vonage and there doesn't seem to be much trouble yet with them and compatibility issues. There is a lag when using Satellite internet though.