Tuesday, March 07, 2006

joe tag

So I've been tagged, and since it came from outside my normal circle of people who play these game I thought I would continue it on.

Four Jobs I've Had:

1. Burger Boy
2. Book Boy
3. Slurpee Boy
4. Inspector Boy

Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over:

1. Shrek
2. Simon Birch
3. Nothing else comes to mind. I know some of you will be saying The Little Mermaid, but I have seen that way too many times.

Four Places I've Lived:

1. Cowtown
2. PO Box 55054
3. Across from a fire hall that BBQd all summer long (Mmmmmmmm!)
4. Here

Four TV shows I love(d):

1. Emergency! (I was Roy DeSoto, my brother was John Gage - We used tape measures as walkie talkies)
2. Wendy's Friday Night Football
3. Holmes on Homes
4. Law & Order (Original and Criminal Intent)

Four Places I've Holidayed:

1. Mayne Island
2. Winnipegosis
3. Cairns
4. Parksville

Four of My Favourite Dishes:

1. Bon
2. Chicken and Ribs
3. A really good burger (they're not made at BCIT or McDonalds)
4. And you need a Pina Colada to go with it.

Four Sites I Visit Daily:

2. Jam!
3. Google personalized news
4. Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo! mail, myBCIT

Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now:

1. Having Lunch since it's 1:15 and I haven't ate
2. Disney World
3. Some place not raining (like Maui)
4. Dog River

Four Bloggers I'm Tagging:

1. Gorilla Girl
2. Eric the Green
3. The Rookie Rambler
4. Xana Princess Warrior (here's your chance to come out of the closet)


Jerry Bowley said...

Why is it that I can actually visualize you and your brother playing that? And is it weird that I'm picturing you doing it as adults?

Suzanne said...

Hey Todd!
I am ready to come out of the closet!!!!