Thursday, February 02, 2006

happy groundhog day

OK kids, get out you crayons and click on the photo below. It will become a lot bigger after you click, then you can colour right on your screen. Don't forget to show your mommy and daddy your new creation when you are done (but not before, you don't want to ruin the surprise). Tell them you did it all on your own (with no suggestions from your friendly neighbourhood blogger). Run along now, go get your crayons -- I'll be waiting right here when you get back.


Heather said...

Good thing Maddie can't link to your blog. She knows how to read and is good at following instructions! Did you hear if Mr. Groundhog saw his shadow or not?

T said...

Well in Canada spring is just around the corner - get out the ole Speedo! But in the States they have to wait another 6 weeks.