Saturday, January 07, 2006

showing off Ronan

T’was the night before WestJet and all through our house a Tigger was twirling, Ronan jumped like it was a mouse... OK I would love to write some great poem about our Christmas, but you’ve read here and know I’m no poet. Well the jolly fat man came to our house early this year (yes, I got done my practicum early). We flew to Calgary on the 21st so Santa arrived on the 20th I’m glad he could fit it in since this is the busy season. Ronan didn’t know what to make of his Tumble Time Tigger. At first he loved it but then it started to freak his freak.

I prepared some reading material for travel with a new magazine, Smart Computing, but it quickly became bathroom reading as we found ourselves on the new WestJet 737-700 with satellite TV. Man that makes trips a lot quicker! Ronan flew like a pro as he also provided many smiles and grins for in-flight entertainment.

Arriving in Calgary Ronan wanted to meet the guy who brought him the Tigger that freaks him out. So we made the journey to the North Pole (at Chinook) with his cousin Mackenzie and Grandpa to meet Santa.

Ronan was quite excited to see his Calgary relatives, cousins Mackenzie and Madalyn, and his big cousins Trevor, Amanda and Mel; Grandpa; and many Aunties and Uncles! He enjoyed visiting the ranch where his Great Aunt and Uncle gave him his prized Hereford.

No Boxing day deals for Ronan – he was whisked away to Regina where Grandpa (or Grampeye as some call him) met him at the airport. In Regina we got to met Ronan’s younger cousin Harley and his siblings Chevy and Charley. Ronan was quite excited when Dawson and Jayvn also got to sleep over. Dawson thought Ronan’s burps were “cool”.

Grampeye and Grandma planned a sleigh ride where Ronan got his first taste of prairie winter.

The main attraction was when Ronan got together with all the McMillan babies at New Years Aiden, Elijah and his almost twin Maressa who was born 22 hours after him. Only missing was Harley. Uncle Jason gave Ronan a Roughriders outfit (which is sad since he has already grown out of his Stamps outfit)

Ronan is so grateful to have so many Aunties, Uncles, Grandmas, Grandpas and cousins who love him so much!!!

For more photos visit here. The first two folders are Calgary and Regina.

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