Friday, January 13, 2006

OK I'm sorry I'm doing this to you again

Survivor is back February 2.

Like a bad smell that won't go away - so is my Fantasy Survivor League.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE join me. I promise I will go easy. I just want to have friends.

I know you bloggers, commentors and lurkers who have never joined one of my leagues will have a good time. It is an easy game to play.

1) pick an MVP - someone who will be on Survivor for a while and will win or be on a team that wins immunity or reward challenges frequently.
2) each week answer 5 questions: who will be safe, who will be kicked off, who will win immunity, who will win the reward challenge and a mystery question that changes each week.
That's all - easy. And if you answer the questions early you get 50% more points.

And to top it all off I set up our tribe on Friday the 13th... so I shouldn't do very well.

So now that you would like to be my friend here is how you join>>> Visit Sign up or enter your user name from a previous round. Then join our tribe:
"Here We Go Again"
The password is 98765432.

Eric will you be my friend?
Heather will you be my friend?
Donna will you be my friend?
Taralee will you be my friend?
Wade will you be my friend?
Malcolm will you be my friend?
Krista will you be my friend?
Laurie will you be my friend?
Stewart will you be my friend?
Maria will you be my friend?
Suzanne will you be my friend?
Teleni will you be my friend?
Shannon will you be my friend?
Mark will you be my friend?
Kay will you be my friend?
Tim will you be my friend?
Brian will you be my friend?
Bonnie will you be my friend?
Will anybody be my friend?

1 comment:

Krista said...

Wade and I are both rolling around laughing! That is too funny!

Wade wants me to assure you that we will be your friends!

Thanks Todd!

Krista and Wade