Monday, December 12, 2005

here's whatcha think about me

Thanks to everyone who did my little quiz. I hope you had fun! I tried to put in obscure things and a few gimmies, just some fun stuff that you might not have known about me. So... here's what you thought (and the right answers)

  1. What is my middle name? Most of you got this right... Alexander
  2. What year was I born? Again, you did very well... 1971
  3. What was my first pet's name? Most of you guessed a dog named Kitty, a good guess if I actually named my first pet, but his name was Laddie.
  4. What is my team? Of course, every one said the Stampeders (if you have ever even looked at my blog you could have got that one)
  5. My eyes are ... Alot of Browns and Greens, but they're Blue folks.
  6. I have worked for... many guesses for the Gov of BC, but it was (please stand for our national anthem) Canada. My next job will most likely be for a province.
  7. I have been in ... something like 70 % of you thought Readers Digest, but the correct answer is Sports Illustrated (I was in a crowd shot during the Calgary Olympics)
  8. I own a jersey of this team. Many guesses for the Roughnecks (I would love one, but have not been privileged with one yet) Nope... it is the Roughriders (I can't remember, did you get that one right Eric?)
  9. Instrument I played in High School. All the answers were right, but you only got marks for all of the above.
  10. I coached this position in football... Everyone who knows anything about football guessed Linebackers, but sorry I coached Defensive backs ... I also coached the O & D line, snappers, special teams and the defense at different times, but they weren't on the quiz.

I hope you learned a little about this little blogger, and I hope you had some fun doing it.


Eric said...

No, I'm afraid I did not get that one right. I knew enough to guess that if there was a Calgary team, it would be the jersey you would own. Most of my friends who are CFL fans (if they don't cheer for Sask) would not be caught dead with a rider shirt.

T said...

In a time long, long ago in a land far, far away. I was a big fan of a Stamp that got traded to the Riders, thus I was a Rider fan for about 2 years before he retired.

Eric said...

There are three of them in the late 80s, when the Riders turned that corner from perenial losers. Poley, Hall, and ...

I can't remember the d-lineman's name.

T said...

Good memory Eric! I have a Bob Poley #57 Jersey. Havn't put it on in years, but it's in Ronan's Tickle Trunk.