Sunday, November 06, 2005

melting an igloo

The Eskimos were hoping to be the king of the snow castle coming into McMahon stadium. But the Stamps dropped Edmonton from first to worst in the West playoffs. Jason Maas took his first snaps of the season with 3 minutes to go in the game replacing the interceptable Frito Ray. I'm looking forward to next week when we play the second half of this game and the loser gets to enjoy the rest of the season on their couch with their favorite potato chips (Fritos anyone?).

Here's my prediction. Stamps defence will win again next week, the following week the Lions will have completly forgotten how to win. Then the storybook ending where Henry faces the Green Machine and sends the stubble jumpers home.

I know, I know, the air must be a little thin here, but this is my blog and what I say goes. Who would have thought my boys would be in the playoffs -- never mind look like contenders?

1 comment:

Eric said...

The win looked impressive as I watched some of the Edmonton receivers look like they were not confident in their abilities.

I like the sound of your prediction, especially since you did not include a predection of the outcome of the green and red game.