Friday, September 30, 2005


Are you ready for the second edition of the Brain Flatulence Reader Survey? The first survey took place in February. Here at Brain Flatulence we ask the hard hitting, probing questions. The questions that matter! The first edition discovered our readers favorite dark beverage. Today we ask:

What do you add to your beverage?

It doesn't have to be cream or sugar, but it can be. It could be ice, whipped cream, lemon or even anchovies. Let us know what you add to your beverage.


T said...

Ok, I'll start this.

I like to add ice to pretty much all my cold beverages and quite often some lime will make it just right.

If it's hot chocolate I need some marshmallows or whipped cream.

Jerry Bowley said...

I'll agree with the ice-to-cold-drinks preference... In fact, if it's a nice, tall glass of Coke I'm after, I like to fill the glass almost to the top with ice first (I drink the Coke fast enough that the ice has no time to melt and dilute the drink).

As for coffee (which, I've heard, I like quite a bit), I stick to the basics: Black. I used to do the sugar and cream thing, but I just can't anymore... Makes it taste like a "fancy" drink when all I want is my caffeine!

Eric said...

I was taught to add a little cream to coffee. It keeps the truckstop coffee from tasting like the french fries and it keeps all coffee from causing as bad heartburn. It hurts, but some addictions just can't be denied.

Jerry Bowley said...

Addicted? Who's addicted? I can quit anytime I want to, you know! You're not the boss of me!!!