Friday, April 01, 2005

Big Day for the Baxters

You know how there are certain days in your life that you can always remember what day it was when it happened. Well, today is one of those days.

I have accepted a position. And, we're going to be moving. The health authority has offered me a position for both my practicums (practici? what is the plural of practicum) plus I will have a permenant position once I am done my practicums. I will be starting 3 steps up on the payscale, since this place has had a hard time finding qualified people. We will be there for at least 3 years. I am going to be starting at the end of May after my classes wind up. Bon will be joining me a bit later as she has some commitments with our church and stuff.

I just have a question for Tim - Are we in driving distance?

So now you're real curious right?

Here's where we're going


Heather said...

Wow!!! Good for you....sounds like a very cool (literally!) opportunity. Of course, that's very sad for us. When I clicked on "residences" an igloo comes up. Please tell me they will be providing you with something more permanent!

Tim and/or Wyatt said...
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Anonymous said...

Are you sure this isn't an April Fool's joke?!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe it. I thought we were far away, but you... Well, it sounds like a great job and it will be an adventure. I know your families will be a little dissapointed with the new baby on the way, but things will work out. We are not within driving distance, but anyone can fly to where you are. I was hoping you were going to say Yellowknife, but it was too good to be true. When will this move be taking place? You will for sure notice a difference from Vancouver! Don't worry, you are moving there at the perfect time of year... summer!

Anonymous said...

Well Todd I know it seems like it will be far away but this is maybe a good time to tell you all. There is more to Shar's sabbatical than we have let on. We'll be moving to Churchill, Manitoba (so will be a bit closer to you). Shar has found a position as a worship arts director at a small but vibrant Pentacostal church there. I was also able to find a new job too (I'll tell you all about it later).