Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Stampeders are being repossessed

It look like Calgary is about to take back the Stampeders. The Stamps sale is all but done. According to my insider, (my brother who actually lives in Calgary) there are rumours that Barker may be back. I like him, and I think he never got a fair shake in his first season. Rumours out here on the left coast is that Dave Dickensen is being courted, and with Feterik leaving that may be a possibility. Anyways, stay tuned for "As the CFL turns"

OK, onto the much larger, but inferior league. Why is the NFL so stuck up about their celebrations? Even my wife said, "they need to get over their endzone thing" This weekend Randy Moss did a hilarious endzone celebration where he pretended to moon the crowd. Well -- every NFL commentator and important person is upset with Mosses disrespect for the league. GIVE ME A BREAK. Man I laughed my butt off. The endzone celebration is one of the best things in the CFL. The NFL thinks it wastes time, but the fans enjoy it. It takes longer for the referees to announce a penalty in the NFL than Randy Moss' celebration. People it's a game! DON"T TAKE IT SO SERIOUSLY.

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