Friday, January 14, 2005

I guess I'm boring

There is a quiz for everything.
How about a "what file extension are you. Well, I'm a .txt.

You are .txt The one everybody knows and relies on, but avoids in social settings because you're very boring and non-descript.
Which File Extension are You?

It's interesting that in real life I skipped from Win 95 to Xp never stopping at Win 98

You are Windows 98.  You're a bit flaky, but well-liked.  You don't have a great memory, but everyone seems to know you.  A great person to hang out with and play some games.
Which OS are You?

1 comment:

Jerry Bowley said...

Apparently, I am the .dll file extension, described as "You are dynamic. You are constantly in danger of bringing down the house because you don't play well with others."

As for OS, I have been labelled OS X. "You tend to be fashionable and clever despite being a bit transparent. Now that you've reached some stability you're expecting greater popularity."

"Transparent" and "doesn't play well with others"... I wonder if the guy who wrote these tests is an old roommate of mine...